40 Weeks

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Preparing For An Empowered And Positive Birth Experience

Dear mama-to-be,

I feel incredibly blessed to have had an empowered, transformative and positive birth experience. I attribute this to three things — the amazing support team surrounding me, the belief that a calm birth was possible, and the work we did to prepare for labour.

I had wonderful people supporting me in the lead up to and during labour, as well as during the recovery period following birth. I received loving, nurturing and expert support and care from Juliana Brennan, a private midwife, Nisha Gill, a doula and birth educator, and my husband Scott, who was by my side for the entire 14 hours of labour.

Scott and I teamed up with Juliana and Nisha a few months into our pregnancy and, to help us prepare for labour and birth, we took these steps: 

  • attended a Calm Birth weekend retreat led by Juliana when we were 28 weeks pregnant

  • wrote a birth plan with our midwife and doula at 31 weeks

  • received birth hypnosis training from Nisha towards the end of the third trimester

  • attended birth preparation and education sessions with Nisha to resolve and release past trauma, deepen trust in my body, establish partner roles for Scott, visualise the birth we wanted

  • educated ourselves about the various birthing choices available i.e. everything from a planned Caesarean section, to an OB assisted private hospital birth, a public hospital birth, home birth and free birth

  • dedicated time during the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy to visualise and prepare mentally and physically for an empowering and positive birth experience

As a result, both Scott and I felt confident going into labour and birth. Best of all, we enjoyed an intervention-free, calm, private midwife assisted, natural water-birth at home to welcome our healthy baby girl into the world.

Interestingly, at the early stages of my pregnancy, my picture of labour and birth looked very different to what eventuated. I thought labour happened like it does in the movies and had only ever heard friends and family talk about traumatic birth experiences.

I am so thankful I became aware that birth could be an empowering and beautiful experience. The exploration of research and materials to support this fact led Scott and I to look closely at the various birth options available to us. In the end, we felt a private midwife assisted home birth would enable us to realise our birth vision.

Looking back, I am thankful we took the time to think about the type of birth we wanted. We enjoyed the most incredible birth experience and Allegra enjoyed a truly calm arrival earthside. Having a home birth meant we were

  • under no time pressure,

  • surrounded and supported only by people we knew and trusted,

  • able to create a calm, dark space in which time stood still,

  • in the comfort of our home and felt completely comfortable and safe, and

  • I was able to move around freely without concern for who might see or hear me. 

I share this with you not because I am of the opinion a home birth is for everyone — that is dependent on so many factors; but to empower you with the belief that a positive birth experience is possible for you.

To help you expand your knowledge and belief around what’s possible, we have compiled a bunch of informative resources and linked to them from our website. Click here to start exploring.

My wish, and the wish of the entire 40 Weeks team, is that you have the birth you want and that it's a positive and empowering experience. May you feel truly supported and held by your birthing team and by your partner, in the lead up to, during and after the arrival of your baby.

With much love, 
Bianka xx

Bianka Barrett
Founder & CEO
40 Weeks

What will your birth experience be like?

I’d love to support you to have the birth you want and invite you to join our signature online holistic pregnancy program.

In invite you to feel truly supported and held as you journey towards the arrival of your precious baby.