40 Weeks

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Safe To Drink Herbal Teas

These teas are caffeine free and have a long history of use during pregnancy and postpartum. Nonetheless, they should always be consumed in moderation and if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns please speak to your healthcare provider.

Why the focus on herbal teas during pregnancy?

Because consuming caffeine from tea, coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks during pregnancy is not recommended.

While guidelines suggest less than 200mg of coffee per day is ok, there's no scientific evidence that says there's a safe level of caffeine intake.

Research shows that caffeine intake over 300mg daily may increase the risk of serious complications in pregnancy such as miscarriage, low birth weight, and health complications in the offspring.

Our biggest gripe with caffeine is that it blocks nutrient absorption.

It blocks the nutrients we know we need to support our health and the health of our baby.

While giving up coffee or caffeine may be daunting, we hope this list of safe to drink and delicious herbal teas makes that objective a little more achievable.

List of safe to drink herbal teas:

  • Redbush/Rooibos tea—naturally caffeine free; has a delicious savoury taste and makes a great substitute for coffee.

  • Dandelion tea—vitamin A, calcium, iron; another delicious coffee alternative.

  • Chicory coffee and barley coffee—taste similar to coffee, naturally caffeine-free

  • Ginger—eases morning sickness, boosts circulation to prevent swelling, cramps, aids postpartum recovery, aids digestion, helps with nausea, reduces vomiting

  • Lemon Balm—calming, uplifting, aids digestion and sleep

  • Oat Straw—supports nervous system, calming, eases stress, aids sleep, relieves irritability, reduces anxiety

  • Spearmint—settles stomach and may relief nausea, spearmint is preferred to peppermint as peppermint may cause irritation to those with reflux

  • Chamomile and Lavender—relaxing

  • Red raspberry leaf tea—is great to start drinking in the third trimester to help you prepare for labour; rich in iron, increases milk production, eases labour pains

  • Nettle—3rd trimester, reduces risk of haemorrhage, eases leg cramps and restless legs, boosts iron levels, rich in Vitamin K

For more safe-to-drink beverage alternatives to nourish you and your baby, watch this short but helpful video:

What to drink