40 Weeks

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Drink This to Stay Hydrated and Energised During Labour

The labour process can often initiate a 'clearing' from the digestive tract. This may result in being sick or having diarrhoea, and is a natural preparation for birth. However, this can dehydrate your body.

To replenish water stores and sustain your energy, sip small amounts of filtered water or these hydrating beverages throughout labour. The intense activity of labour will draw on your store of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc and Co-enzyme Q10.

Drinks During Labour

  • Filtered water

  • Drink 1: mix 1 tsp magnesium powder with filtered water in a medium glass

  • Drink 2: mix 1 tsp calcium powder + 1 tsp BioMedica BetaMax* powder with filtered water in a medium glass

  • Drink 3: Hydrating Pregnancy Drink

  • Tea: ginger, mint, honey and lemon (simmer fresh ginger and mint for 10 minutes in filtered water, strain, add honey and lemon)

  • Bone Broth: warmed, sip throughout labour

*available from any good naturopath