The Ultimate Pantry Swaps Checklist

Pregnancy is a time to boost your diet by eating whole and real foods, eating the rainbow, and supercharging every meal to make it as nutrient-dense as possible. Stocking your pantry and fridge with nutritious foods that will nourish your wellbeing and the optimal growth of your baby, and limiting highly processed and refined foods that are devoid of nutrients, is key to this.

Download a copy of the Pantry Swaps Checklist below.

For a more detailed breakdown of why certain items are “healthier” than others—especially during a time when good nutrition is vital—watch the video*.

*The video is an excerpt from our 5 Day Challenge: 5 Ways To Boost Your Pregnancy Diet. If you found this video helpful, click here to access the full set of informative, educational and empowering videos.

Got Questions?

Send me an email with your questions, comments and feedback. I’d love to hear from you and welcome the opportunity to support you further on your pregnancy journey. Email