Why Soy Is Not The Health Food It’s Promoted To Be


Soy is not the health food it’s promoted to be. Soy can inhibit mineral absorption because it’s high in phytic acid — a substance that prevents the absorption of essential minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. Minerals are needed to build your baby’s skeleton and teeth, support your baby’s brain development, and help control your blood sugar levels. 

In order for the phytic acid to break down, soy must undergo extensive fermentation. Traditionally fermented soy products, like miso, natto, soy sauce, and tempeh, are some of the few soy foods that are fermented long enough to significantly reduce phytic acid. However, foods such as soy flour and soy protein isolates (which are found in a vast amount of packaged foods) are processed by modern methods that do not reduce phytic acid levels. 

Soy also interferes with the absorption and digestion of protein and iodine — two essential nutrients during pregnancy. Soy is also most often genetically modified, high in pesticide residue and contains high levels of aluminium all of which are toxic to you and your baby (for more on toxins during pregnancy refer to this article).

Choose fermented soy products, like soy sauce, miso, natto, and tempeh, made from organically grown soybeans and include them in your diet occasionally.