Eggs for Breakfast


This delicious mix of nourishing ingredients will keep you satiated until lunch. Eggs and avocado provide essential vitamins and minerals, nourishing fats and protein that will fuel your wellbeing and your baby’s growth and development.


| Serves 2 |


4 eggs

¼ cup filtered water

coconut oil for frying

2 spring onions, finely chopped

8 cherry tomatoes, halved

1 avocado, roughly diced

¼ cup whole raw walnut kernels

generous handful of rocket or any leafy greens

sprouts and sunflower seeds to garnish

salt and pepper to taste


1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

½ tbsp maple syrup (optional)


Make the dressing first. Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Set aside.

In a bowl whisk the eggs with the water.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan on medium and sauté the spring onion. Season well.

Add the egg mixture to the pan and turn the heat down to low-medium heat. Cook for about 30 seconds without stirring. Turn off the heat and fold to lightly scramble. Transfer to two serving plates.

In a bowl mix together the tomatoes, avocado, walnuts and rocket. Season to taste with salt and pepper, then add the dressing and toss to combine.

Top each egg portion with some salad, then garnish with sprouts and sunflower seeds. Enjoy.