40 Weeks

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Hydrating Pregnancy Drink

If you have been morning sick and vomiting, need to replenish lost fluids or are feeling dehydrated mix up a batch of this pregnancy beverage to quickly restore electrolytes. This hydrating beverage is free from the artificial colours, flavours and preservatives found in sports drinks and Hydralyte Ice Blocks, making it a healthy pregnancy choice. This beverage is also brilliant to sip during labour to keep you hydrated.


4 cups coconut water

¼ tsp sea salt

½ cup 100% fruit juice of your choice

juice of 1 lemon

1 scoop alkalising minerals* (optional)


Mix all ingredients in a large jug or glass bottle. Leftovers can be stored in the fridge. Enjoy.

*Adding minerals to this pregnancy drink is not essential, but it is an excellent way to boost the mineral content of the drink and therefore the electrolyte balancing effects. We love Basica ActivE Alkalising Mineral Formula or Orthoplex AlkaMin Essentials which are available online or from any good health practitioner.