Week 30: Your baby can blink


Your baby’s eyes aren’t quite fully developed, however your baby can open them now and blink. Your baby’s eyes are most likely blue and this may change before or after birth. Not only this, your baby boy or girl has a full head of hair. All these extras like hair and eye colour is your body putting the final touches on the cake, like you will, for their first birthday in 14 months time.

Essential Nutrients this Week: Essential Fatty Acids DHA and EPA, Choline, Vitamin B12, Protein, Iron

Food of the Week: Sardines

Adequate consumption of DHA is essential for eye and nerve tissue development, as well as the growth, functional development and maintenance of your baby’s brain. DHA is an active component in certain seafood such as fish including sardines.

Recipes of the Week


Sardines on Crackers

Atlantic herring or sardines are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and as one of the most sustainable fish choices it’s environmentally friendly too. Choose high quality sardines canned in olive oil or tomato sauce (and avoid the ones with sunflower oil).


Baked Sardines with Vegetables

If you haven’t cooked fresh sardines before, give this recipe a whirl. Not only is it easy to prepare, you’ll be surprised by how delicious the baked sardines taste. This pregnancy recipe is a rich source of omega-3s as well as other essential pregnancy nutrients.


Mackerel Super Greens Salad with Yoghurt Dressing

This nutrient-dense pregnancy recipe tastes great with a piece of charred sourdough on the side. Mackerel is an oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed this week of your pregnancy to support the development of your baby’s eyes, vision and brain.

Pregnancy Articles

How To Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy — top 10 tips for relieving heartburn while you’re pregnant

How To Prevent Haemorrhoids And Varicose Veins During Pregnancy — 15 tips for preventing and helping haemorrhoids and varicose veins during your pregnancy

Ways To Relieve Restless Legs During Pregnancy — top tips for relieving leg cramps during pregnancy

How To Cope With And Manage Gestational Diabetes — supportive steps to help you cope with and manage gestational diabetes + gestational diabetes friendly snacks

Preparing For An Empowered And Positive Birth Experience — a positive birth experience is possible for you