Day 2: Foods To Avoid


Today we look into what foods to avoid and what foods are safe to eat during pregnancy. The information I share in this video is based on current research and Department guidelines.

I think you'll be surprised by some of the items deemed "off-limits" and "safe to eat". This information is important and forms the foundation of the food choices you make during pregnancy.

Once you've watched the video and got the latest info on what's safe and what's best avoided, please share 1 food you're going to take out or add back into your pregnancy diet in the comments below.

That was great! Love how you inform about the why behind a food is beneficial or should be avoided rather than just this is good, this is bad.
— Sheridan R.

Your challenge: what food(s) are you taking out or putting back into your diet? Please comment below:


Foods To Avoid List

Food Safety Guidelines

Food Additives Checklist

Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen—the safest fruit and veg to eat

Tahini-Free Hummus Recipe

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