START HERE: Welcome to the 5 Day Challenge


Hello beautiful and welcome to the 5 Day Challenge: 5 Ways To Boost Your Pregnancy Diet. It’s amazing you’re here and ready to learn how to nourish your pregnancy even better than you already are.

I’m confident that by the end of the Challenge you’ll worry less about eating the wrong things and feel confident in your ability to get enough of the right nutrients to support your health and the optimal growth of your baby.

Please watch the below welcome video before diving into Day 1 of the Challenge. It outlines how the Challenge will work, how to get the most from it, and (importantly) provides an overview of WHY good nutrition is essential during pregnancy.

Thank you for leaving your comments and questions below.

If you’d like to answer our short survey, you can link to it below. The survey will give me a better understanding of where you’re at and how best to support you during your pregnancy journey.

Bianka Barrett14 Comments