Dreaming of a healthy baby?
Know you should eat well during pregnancy, but nervous about getting enough of the right nutrients?
Want access to delicious recipes that’ll nourish you and your growing little one?
Feel confident about what, when and how to eat to support a vibrant pregnancy AND help give your baby a healthy start in life.
You know good nutrition is essential for both you and your growing baby. But you feel nervous about getting enough of the right nutrients in your diet.
You’ve googled “what to eat when pregnant” and are now very clear on what foods to avoid. But, totally confused about what to eat to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.
There’s so much conflicting information out there and, as much as you want to do what’s best for you and your baby, you just don’t have the time or energy to rifle through all that data.
And it’s not like focusing on putting the right things in and keeping the wrong things out is all you have to think about.
There’s a lot to wrap your head around.
So much you don’t know yet. Need to organise and prepare for. And that feels a little overwhelming.
The last thing you want is to miscarry or (heaven forbid) have an unhealthy baby.
You know you can’t stick your head in the sand, but you also have no idea where to start or who to turn to in regard to solid pregnancy nutrition support.
(And taking advice from your Great Aunt is out of the question! Last time you saw her she tried to convince you not to cut your hair during pregnancy for fear your baby will be born bald.)
Hey beautiful. Before you throw your hands up, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
You’re not alone.
I felt overwhelmed, confused and scared about my pregnancy too.
It’s normal not to have all the answers about something as important and intricate as pregnancy and pregnancy nutrition.
Completely normal.
Which is why I teamed up with experts from the pregnancy and nutrition fields to create NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy.
Together with nutritionists, fertility specialists, naturopaths, obstetricians, GPs, chefs and health coaches, I took the latest evidence-based research on nutrition during pregnancy and built an online program designed to support a healthy pregnancy and baby.
This program is for you if…
You’re a health conscious mama who already understands good nutrition is essential during pregnancy, and you want to do the very best you can to give your baby a healthy start in life. You’d like to feel totally confident you’re getting enough of the right nutrients to nourish you and your growing baby. And are looking for practical how-to’s, easy to follow recipes and trustworthy advice to give you peace of mind.
If this sounds like you, keep reading to discover exactly what’s included in NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide For A Healthy Pregnancy.
NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy SUPPORTS YOU BY…
…providing ongoing support for the entire 40 weeks of your pregnancy so you never have to feel alone (or unsure) again.
…making your life simpler by delivering nutrient-dense, easy-to-make and delicious recipes to your inbox every week.
…guiding you to eat foods which contain the key nutrients needed to support your health and your baby’s growth during each crucial stage of pregnancy.
…taking the fear and guesswork out of what to eat so you don’t have to worry about making the wrong dietary choices.
…guiding you to eat real and whole foods. Because now is the time to be healthy. Now a miracle is growing in your tummy.
…helping you enjoy your pregnancy more fully.
“It Is without hesitation that I support the work of 40 Weeks.
As a professional, mother and woman who has experienced four pregnancies and three births, the IMPORTANCE of TENDING TO YOUR WELLBEING during the journey from preconception to early motherhood is PARAMOUNT, for YOU AND YOUR BABY. Information can be consuming and disempowering, finding a TRUSTED RESOURCE such as 40 Weeks with the authentic desire to support, empower and educate women is a true gift.”
~Henrietta Norton, Fertility and Pregnancy Nutritional Therapist
When you subscribe to NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy, you’ll also receive information to help:
relieve common pregnancy conditions like morning sickness, heartburn, stretch marks, restless legs, swelling, constipation and more,
choose quality prenatal supplements to complement your pregnancy diet,
move your body while you’re pregnant,
keep stress and anxiety in check,
reduce and minimise your exposure to toxins,
manage the amount of weight you gain,
prepare for labour and birth, and breastfeeding, and
support your recovery post-birth.
There’s SO much in this program and it’s all designed to support you. So you can feel confident you're giving yourself the best chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Here’s a deep-dive into exactly what you get when you subscribe to NOURISH during your pregnancy
NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy includes
Each week of your pregnancy you’ll receive an email from 40 Weeks which contains:
weekly overview of the development stages of baby and the essential nutrients to help you and your baby thrive (motivating you to eat well and helping you bond and connect with your growing little one)
foods which contain these essential nutrients (making it easy to choose what to eat)
recipes that help deliver the essential nutrients specific to your week of pregnancy (so you can relax about your food intake)
pregnancy recipes for breakfasts, main meals, sides and salads, snacks and beverages (so you’re never stuck for ideas of what to eat)
quick and easy to make recipes (that both you and your partner can whip up)
delicious and nourishing pregnancy recipes (so you can feel totally confident you and your baby are getting the nutrients you need)
recipes that can be made in bulk and frozen (so you always have something healthy to eat on hand)
recipes created or inspired by renowned and qualified chefs, nutritionists and health coaches (guaranteed to taste great and turn out every time)
access to an extensive library of empowering information which, in addition to advice from your health care professional, is designed to help optimise your and your baby's health and wellbeing during pregnancy (helping you take care of all of you throughout your pregnancy journey)
access to a supportive online community of likeminded women also on their pregnancy journey (so you never feel alone again)
24/7 access to the program content
access to our friendly and helpful team via email (you can ask us anything; we’re here for you)
bonus content as well as a few special surprises (see bonuses below)
PLUS you’ll also get this
BONUS 1: Prenatal Vitamins Aren't Created Equal — Are You Taking Quality Supplements? The ins and outs of choosing quality prenatal vitamins to support your pregnancy journey.
BONUS 2: Key Nutrients For Each Stage Of A Healthy Pregnancy — What Are The Building Blocks Of Your Pregnancy Diet? Helping you ensure particular nutritional deficiencies don’t occur at specific stages of pregnancy.
BONUS 3: Safe To Eat Guide — What Foods Should I Avoid And What Foods Are Safe To Eat? A comprehensive and clear guide that won’t have you jeopardise your intake of key nutrients.
BONUS 4: Pantry Swaps Checklist — What Stays And What Goes? An easy to follow checklist for stocking your pantry and fridge with ingredients that’ll nourish you and your baby.
BONUS 5: Chemical Exposure During Pregnancy Can Be Harmful — How Can I Avoid Toxins and Have A Healthier Pregnancy? 70 practical tips for minimising your exposure.
If you follow a vegetarian diet, you’ll receive
BONUS 6: The Intricacies Of A Vegetarian Diet During Pregnancy — How Do I Get All The Nutrients Baby And I Need? A How-To-Guide which includes practical suggestions for optimising a vegetarian diet.
And should you be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you’ll also benefit from
BONUS 7: I Have Gestational Diabetes — Now What? Expert guidance to help you cope with and manage gestational diabetes during your pregnancy, including meal plan ideas and GSD friendly recipes.
“Without the reminders each week I would have eaten much worse.
From the gorgeous weekly emails to the personalised care and attention, through to the super helpful and informative Facebook group and delicious NOURISHING RECIPES, the 40 Weeks World is one in which I feel COMPLETELY WELCOMED, cherished and NEVER ALONE. I highly recommend joining this wonderful SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY for any lucky mothers to be. 40 Weeks will make sure you are treated like the hero you are when PREPARING TO BECOME A MOTHER.”
~Bel, mama of two
“The recipes are delicious and helping me eat healthily.
I'm feeling SUPER ASSISTED. Thank you for the wonderful resource! I look forward to receiving the weekly emails and LOVE LEARNING WHERE THE BABY’S AT DEVELOPMENTALLY and what foods I should be eating. I am also really enjoying the articles — as a first time mama it’s SO HELPFUL TO KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT.
~Larissa, first time mama
“This has been the best investment and gift I can give to my future baby.
My pregnancy journey this time round has been long, lonely and tough…until I found 40 Weeks. I'm a bit older since my last pregnancies and, after sadly losing two babies, I was determined to get in the BEST HEALTH I could before we tried again. It wasn’t until I came across 40 Weeks that I FOUND EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED. 40 Weeks takes the guesswork out, HAS DONE ALL THE RESEARCH, and offers tried and tested recipes I can trust. I FEEL SO RELIEVED to wake up knowing each day THE FOOD I EAT IS NOURISHING my body. I feel amazing.”
~Annie, mama of three
If you need more reasons to eat well while you’re pregnant, consider this.
You and your baby are what you eat.
The nutrients in the food you eat
the pregnancy supplements you take
the stored nutrients in your body
the building blocks for your growing baby.
During each week of pregnancy, baby develops certain bodily systems. Specific nutrients are required to ensure the proper development of these. If a key nutrient is missing these bodily systems won’t get made optimally.
And if your diet doesn’t contain the key nutrients your baby needs to grow, baby will borrow them from your body stores. Leaving you depleted and fatigued.
The benefits of good nutrition during pregnancy are bountiful, both for your health and your baby.
In fact, studies show by eating well during pregnancy
the risk and severity of such pregnancy conditions as miscarriage, morning sickness, preeclampsia, preterm delivery and others may be reduced
baby’s healthy physical growth and mental development is optimised in the short and long term
the risk of baby developing autism, cleft palate, allergies and more is reduced
more energy and a faster recovery from birth are possible because your body stores are less likely to become depleted
your baby is more likely to be a healthy birth weight
breastfeeding and your milk supply is supported
weight gain may be managed more easily
a complication-free pregnancy and delivery may be more likely
a nutritious foundation is set which will benefit you and your baby for the rest of your lives
“Studies show that couples who made changes to their diet and lifestyle improved their chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby by 80%.”
How do you know if NOURISH is for you?
If this is your first time pregnant and you’d like to feel less overwhelmed and alone, NOURISH is for you.
As an already health conscious mama you’re interested in being even healthier during pregnancy.
You’d like access to a bunch of delicious, easy-to-make recipes so you don’t have to spend the time finding them yourself.
You’re seeking solid pregnancy nutrition advice based on the latest research so you can relax about your food intake.
You’d like to receive practical how-to’s for eating well and maintaining a healthy weight throughout pregnancy.
Or perhaps you’re pregnant with your second, third or fourth baby and realise there’s always more you can learn and do to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
Above all, you want a healthy baby.
If you’re ready to enjoy a radiant pregnancy and give your baby the best start possible, click here to subscribe to NOURISH: A Week-By-Week Nutrition Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy.
If you’re early on in your pregnancy, this option is for you (and also the BEST VALUE):
one payment of
$297 AUD
If you’re in your 2nd or 3rd trimester, you might prefer to:
subscribe for
$9.90 per week
For the cost of a single appointment with a nutritionist you’ll receive expert guidance and reliable support from 40 Weeks every single week of your pregnancy.
PLUS over 100 recipes specifically designed to deliver the exact nutrients you and your baby need to thrive.
Once you’re on board, you’ll receive immediate access to delicious, nutrient-dense recipes plus expert information specific to your week of pregnancy, directly to your inbox.
You can join the program at any stage of your pregnancy and we’ll support, empower, educate and inform you every step of the way.
Of course good nutrition is our focus, however NOURISH also provides tools to support you and your mental and emotional health too.
We’ll support you as you navigate the emotional and physical changes that come with being pregnant and preparing for a new baby.
We’ll be right there with you during your entire pregnancy.
Helping support a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Got Questions? Ask Away.
1. How much does the program cost?
You can subscribe for $9.90 AUD per week or join for a single payment of $297 AUD. You can join NOURISH at any stage of your pregnancy i.e. you can join when you’re 4 weeks, 22 weeks or 34 weeks pregnant. It’s never too late (or too early) to focus on your and your baby’s health.
2. What if I subscribe, and it’s not for me?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by following the link to your customer account in your order confirmation email.
3. When do I get my first email?
As soon as you subscribe, you’ll receive a welcome email from 40 Weeks. This will be followed closely by your first weekly email containing key nutrient, key foods, recipe and pregnancy-related information. At this time, you’ll also receive an invitation to join the private Facebook support group. Once you’re subscribed, you’ll receive an email from 40 Weeks every week for the duration of your pregnancy.
4. What if I already eat a healthy diet?
NOURISH will support your already healthy eating habits by helping you eat more of the specific foods and nutrients needed for the optimal growth and development of your baby. Different nutrients are needed at different times during pregnancy for you and your baby to thrive.
5. My diet up to this point hasn’t been great, is it too late for me?
It’s never too late to make simple health and lifestyle shifts. We’re always doing the best we can with the information we have at hand. So, forget the past and focus on what you can do going forward to care for yourself and your unborn baby.
6. How can I be sure I’ll like the recipes?
Many of the recipes included in NOURISH are created or inspired by qualified and renowned chefs, nutritionists and health coaches. The recipes are tried and tested. And there’s an abundance of nourishing and tasty recipes to choose from and add to your repertoire.
7. Do the recipes support a vegetarian diet?
The recipes included in NOURISH are nutrient-dense, easy to make, and incorporate whole and real foods from both animal and plant sources. Having said that, there are plenty of vegetarian recipes included in the program PLUS we provide a How-To-Guide which outlines the specific challenges of a vegetarian diet during pregnancy and includes practical suggestions for optimising a vegetarian diet.
8. I’m vegan. Does the program cater for my dietary preferences?
Unfortunately, not yet. That’s something we’re working on.
Please note: The NOURISH program is designed to be used in conjunction with, and is not a substitute for, the advice of your doctor or health care practitioner.
If you still have questions, please email bianka@40weeks.com.au.
Eat the way you know you should, get the support you’ve been craving and give your baby the best start possible.
Get access to NOURISH by clicking the button below.
“Good nutrition is essential for wellbeing throughout your whole life, but during pregnancy it plays a significant and vital role in every aspect of your baby’s development.”