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Tips For Relieving Restless Legs Or Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Restless legs or leg cramps are quite common during pregnancy. Symptoms can be worse at night, causing insomnia and the inability to sit still or rest. Most commonly, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) occurs during the third trimester. 

There are a number of associated causes of RLS.

Low dopamine and low iron levels​​ may be ​contributing to your sleepless nights. Dopamine is a brain chemical with many important functions in the body. Iron is needed for the production of dopamine. Dopamine deficiency is common in pregnancy for women with low iron levels. Symptoms reduce when iron levels are improved. 

Low folic acid levels have also been associated with RLS. Additionally, leg cramps can be a sign of not having enough magnesium, calcium or potassium which can create spasms in the leg. 

Ways to ease leg cramps during pregnancy:

  1. Up your intake of green leafy vegetables as these are rich in iron, magnesium and folic acid, as are sesame seeds, sardines and apricots. You could try adding this green smoothie, green breaky bowl or this kale, quinoa and sweet potato salad to your meal plan.

  2. Increase your consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium such as Greek yoghurt, leafy green vegetables, avocado, banana, broccoli, sardines, soaked nuts and seeds. You mays also wish to supplement with magnesium if you’re experiencing leg and muscle cramping.

  3. You may benefit from taking a quality iron supplement. Choose an iron supplement that’s easily absorbed, like iron bisglycinate. Steer clear of ferrous fumarate or ferrous sulfate as these may cause constipation, nausea and heartburn and are less efficiently absorbed. Furthermore, zinc aids the absorption of iron so also take a zinc supplement providing around 5mg of zinc. During pregnancy iron needs are 1.5x higher than usual. The recommended intake of iron is 27mg per day in pregnancy.*

  4. Increase your consumption of foods containing vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential to preventing maternal anemia (a cause of which is low iron, and low iron may be contributing to your leg cramps). Foods containing vitamin B12 include sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, spirulina, eggs. (Also refer to our article with more tips for keeping iron levels up during pregnancy).

  5. Take a relaxing epsom salt bath as this will provide magnesium.

  6. To increase circulation, stay physically active throughout pregnancy. Stretch your legs during the day and before going to bed. Point and flex each foot 10x on each side while sitting or lying. Also stretch your calves while standing against a wall. If you’re able, get a calf massage before bed to increase circulation. And sleep on your left side to promote maximum blood flow to your legs during the night.

  7. Take an electrolyte supplement or drink coconut water. You could also drink this hydrating pregnancy drink to restore electrolytes.

*Click here to access our comprehensive guide for choosing quality prenatal supplements: Prenatal Vitamins Aren't Created Equal — Are You Taking Quality Supplements?

N.B. This information is designed to be used in conjunction with, and is not a substitute for, the advice of your doctor or health care practitioner.