Week 22: Your baby's face is fully formed


At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a coconut or about 19 centimetres long. Your baby’s pancreas is growing rapidly this week. The pancreas is responsible for producing digestive enzymes that will help your baby break down and metabolise fats. It’s also where insulin is produced to help your baby regulate and control its blood sugar levels when he or she is born. Your baby is now able to respond to light, warmth, sound and pain.

Essential Nutrients this Week: Protein, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Iodine

Food of the Week: Tuna

Vitamin B6 is important for your baby’s brain development and nervous system. A 120g (4 oz) serve of fresh caught tuna delivers close to 70 per cent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B6. Tuna is also a powerhouse of essential pregnancy nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, protein, potassium, magnesium, iron, choline, iodine, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B12. 

Recipes of the Week


Tuna and Fennel Salad

This salad is fresh, crunchy and delicious for lunch or a light dinner. Perfect mid-week, this easy to make pregnancy recipe packs a nutrient punch. Enjoy.


Tuna Steaks with Radish, Cucumber and Dill Salad

This recipe is inspired by the talented and lovely Luke Hines. I had the pleasure of meeting Luke a number of years ago and am grateful for his encouragement and support in developing 40 Weeks and the NOURISH program. The radish, cucumber and dill salad is the perfect crisp and fresh accompaniment to the grilled tuna.


Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fibre and B-vitamins. It provides antioxidants and phytonutrients, and also contains choline. Choline is essential for your baby’s brain development — by age 3 your baby’s brain will have grown to about 80% of its adult brain and to almost full grown by age 5.

Pregnancy Articles

Preparing For An Empowered And Positive Birth Experience — a positive birth experience is possible for you

How To Avoid And Relieve Constipation In Pregnancy — 15 ways to ease constipation plus a list of high-fibre foods

30 Ways To Resolve Stress And Anxiety During Pregnancy — the impacts of stress on you and your baby and self-care practices to support your throughout your pregnancy

13 Natural Ways To Relieve Oedema During Pregnancy — simple remedies to relieve swollen ankles and swollen hands while pregnant

How To Avoid Toxins And Have A Healthier Pregnancy — what toxins to avoid and why + 70 tips for reducing your exposure to toxins during pregnancy