Week 37: Your baby is officially considered full term
At 37 weeks you're considered full-term, however that doesn't mean your baby is ready to be born yet. So, surrender to what is — your body and your baby have an innate way of knowing the perfect timing to got into labour. You've been kind and gentle to your body throughout pregnancy, try to extend this a few more weeks to give your baby the time it needs to finish prenatal growth. Your baby will be here and in your arms before you know it.
Essential Nutrients this Week: Iron, Probiotics, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamins C and K, Copper, Zinc, B Vitamins
Food of the Week: Carrots
One serving (85g) of carrots contains nearly 0.8mg of iron and over 200mg of potassium, is loaded with Vitamin A (more than two-thirds of your daily recommended intake), 8mcg of vitamin K and fibre.
Recipes of the Week
Apple, Carrot and Coconut Bowl
Get organised and prepare this delicious brekky bowl the night before. Brimming with colour and flavour, you’ll love this for breakfast or as a snack throughout the day. This pregnancy recipe will nourish you without making you feel uncomfortably full. Enjoy.
Moroccan Carrot Salad
This colourful bowl is filled with nourishing goodness and a lovely light dish to enjoy at this stage of your pregnancy. Enjoy on its own or add a hard boiled egg, some grilled chicken or marinated tempeh to round it out with a quality source of protein and create a complete pregnancy meal. According to Chef Pete Evans, you’ll have this salad on the table in less than 10 minutes.
Hummus Three Ways
Hummus is a delicious and nourishing snack. Now add beetroot or a bunch of leafy greens to the mix and you’ve got supercharged hummus. Serve with seed crackers and raw vegetables such as carrot, fennel, celery and cucumber cut into bite-sized pieces. Enjoy beside your morning eggs or spread onto rye sourdough, top with slices of fresh avocado and enjoy for lunch.
Carrot Quinoa Muffins
With a serving of carrot and quinoa, as well as plenty of protein-rich eggs, these are a healthy and nutritious pregnancy snack. You can use spelt flour to make these muffins or use our gluten free flour mix to create an easy-to-digest treat.
Pregnancy Articles
How To Supercharge Your Breastmilk — breastfeeding is as beneficial for you as it is your baby
Do This To Enjoy A Smoother Transition To Motherhood — how will you rest, recover and receive support once your baby is born?
Eat These Foods To Recover Faster After Birth — you’ll need to restore and replenish all the energy you expended during labour
Foods To Help You Prepare For Labour — a nutrient-dense, whole and real foods diet can affect the ease and duration of your labour
How To Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy — top 10 tips for relieving heartburn while you’re pregnant