Week 40: Oh baby!


Even though the completion of this week ends with the all-powerful “due date” (a virtually meaningless mark on the calendar that rarely winds up being the baby’s birthday), it's also a week like any other in your pregnancy. Take care of your body, sleep whenever you can, snack on nutrient-dense foods, and sip healthy liquids as much as possible. 

Essential Nutrients this Week: Iron, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Zinc, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Probiotics

Food of the Week: Mango

A cup of this delicious fruit will provide you with ample carbs, carotene and vitamin C (Vitamin C boosts your skin’s elasticity, which is important in these final days of pregnancy) and smaller amounts of vitamin K, choline, folate, selenium, potassium and fibre. If mango is in season, enjoy it fresh (yum); or add frozen mango to a smoothie bowl, muffins or slow cooker chicken dinner.

Recipes of the Week


Mango Smoothie

This tropical smoothie is supercharged with hemp seeds and linseeds for extra protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Blend it up and imagine yourself on the beach somewhere, bathing in warm sunshine. Bliss.


Chicken Burger with Mango and Cucumber Yoghurt

This burger recipe is full of flavour and goodness. The chicken is well seasoned and teamed with the freshness of the mango and cucumber yoghurt, it’s sublime. This pregnancy recipe can also be easily turned into a delicious salad — simply omit the bun and serve atop a selection of leafy greens.


Mango and Avocado Salad

The combination of sweet mango with creamy avocado is heavenly. Make this salad your own by using whatever nuts you have on hand and mixing together a variety of leafy greens. Fresh, light, crunchy and nutritious this recipe is delightful with grilled chicken (hot or cold).

Pregnancy Articles

The Benefits Of Delayed Cord Clamping — boost your baby’s iron stores to support his or her brain development

How To Supercharge Your Breastmilk — breastfeeding is as beneficial for you as it is your baby

Do This To Enjoy A Smoother Transition To Motherhood — how will you rest, recover and receive support once your baby is born?

Eat These Foods To Recover Faster After Birth — you’ll need to restore and replenish all the energy you expended during labour

Foods To Help You Prepare For Labour — a nutrient-dense, whole and real foods diet can affect the ease and duration of your labour

The Critical Link Between Your Gut Health And Your Baby's Immunity — now is the time to start taking probiotics