Week 7: Your baby has a heartbeat


Do your best to follow a nutrient-dense meal plan, however if you’re struggling with morning sickness, opt for bland whole foods containing electrolytes and some extra vitamin B6. Bananas, potatoes and raw shelled sunflower seeds are good options. Focus on staying hydrated and keeping down your prenatal vitamins to cover your nutritional bases. 

Essential Nutrients this Week: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Folate, Choline, Vitamin B12, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B6

Food of the Week: Wild Salmon

Wild Salmon is an excellent source of nutrients for your baby in this rapid phase of development as it is is rich in healthy Omega-3 fatty acids which are crucial for your baby’s healthy brain and vision development. An intake of 500 or more mg per day of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (at least 300 mg of this from DHA) is also associated with improved cognitive and intellectual abilities, reduced risk of premature birth, and reduced risk of allergies in children as they grow up.

Recipes of the Week

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Easy Salmon Salad

Loaded with healthy fats, this salad is delicious and nutritious. Perfect for a quick lunch or light dinner any time during your pregnancy journey.


Seed Crackers

Keep these seed crackers by your bed or in your handbag for an easy go-to-morning-sickness snack. These crackers will satisfy your craving for carbs without raising your blood sugar and delivering much needed nutrients.


Salmon and Millet Rissoles

This is a delicious way to enjoy salmon without grilling or steaming it. High in protein, omega-3 and fibre, these salmon rissoles are great in a burger bun or served next to a pile of steamed veg and a spoonful of home made pesto.


Healthful Tips

Relieving Nausea And Morning Sickness — 30+ top tips for relieving morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy

The Why And How Of Buying Organic Food When Pregnant — tips for minimising your exposure to toxins that may harm your health and your baby’s growth and development

Prenatal Vitamins Aren’t Created Equal — Are You Taking Quality Supplements? — a deep dive into why and how to choose quality supplements plus and how and when to take them for optimal effect

The Benefits Of Soaking Grains, Legumes, Nuts And Seeds And A How To Guide — a breakdown of how and why soaking and activating grains, legumes, nuts and seeds aids nutrient absorption and is important during pregnancy

Easy Pantry Swaps — a downloadable guideline for swapping in healthier alternatives