Video 4: What To Drink


Today's video is filled with important information AND nourishing recipes—including a hydrating pregnancy drink that's brilliant to sip on during labour.

Click below to watch.

And then please share in the comments below what you'll be drinking going forward.


Your challenge: are you making any changes to what you’re drinking now that you’ve watched the video? If so, please share the changes you’re making and any questions you might have in the comments below.


Omega-3 Pregnancy Smoothie

Pregnancy Vitality Smoothie

Hydrating Pregnancy and Labour Drink

*This video is part of our 5 Day Challenge: 5 Ways To Boost Your Pregnancy Diet. If you would like to get more easy-to-implement and practical tips to supercharge your diet to better support a healthy pregnancy, join the Challenge today.

Bianka Barrett7 Comments