Week 16: In the next few weeks your baby will double in size


Everything is slowly starting to make its way to its destination. Your baby’s eyes and ears are closer to their final resting place, and your baby’s heartbeat may be able to be heard from this week onward. There's more and more movement in your belly as your baby’s legs and arms continue to grow. And now your baby can also suck its tiny thumb and start to stretch. Your baby’s genitals have fully formed, and you can find out the gender at your next scan (if you don’t already know or aren’t keeping it a surprise).

Essential Nutrients this Week: Iron, Protein, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium

Food of the Week: Beef (grass-fed, pasture-raised, organic)

It’s recommended you get as much iron through your diet as possible, particularly from animal foods. The recommended intake of iron is 27mg per day during pregnancy. For vegetarians, the recommended daily intake of iron is 1.8 times higher. In addition to the recipes below, this Mixed Bean Salad is rich in iron. And of course, if you’re craving red meat nothing beats a good steak.

Recipes of the Week


Supercharged Bolognese

This bolognese sauce is packed with vegetables and has gut-healing power from the bone broth. A nutritious and delicious sauce you can enjoy atop zoodles (zucchini noodles), baked sweet potato, wholegrain or gluten free pasta, brown rice or quinoa. We’ve included a vegetarian version of this pregnancy recipe too.



This is the best meatballs recipe you’ll ever taste! It’s full of flavour and, of course, essential pregnancy nutrients. These meatballs are rich in zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and beta-carotene.


Slow Cooker Beef Curry

This dish tastes particularly good on a cooler evening. Warming and satisfying, it’ll nourish you and your baby with all the iron and protein you need for a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy Articles

30 Ways To Resolve Stress And Anxiety During Pregnancy — the impacts of stress on you and your baby and self-care practices to support your throughout your pregnancy

13 Natural Ways To Relieve Oedema During Pregnancy — simple remedies to relieve swollen ankles and swollen hands while pregnant

Is It Safe To Exercise During Pregnancy? — exercising while you’re pregnant is good for you and your baby

How To Avoid Toxins And Have A Healthier Pregnancy — what toxins to avoid and why + 70 tips for reducing your exposure to toxins during pregnancy

Relieving Nausea And Morning Sickness — 30+ top tips for relieving morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy

Prenatal Vitamins Aren’t Created Equal — Are You Taking Quality Supplements? — a deep dive into choosing the best quality pregnancy supplements and how to take them for optimal effect