Week 41: You’ll get to meet your baby soon
You’ve passed your due date. You may be ruffled by this fact, however it’s really very common. Your baby’s due date is simply an estimate, and because of the arbitrary way in which an estimated due date is calculated it may be as much as two weeks out. Continue to nurture yourself, rest when you can, stay hydrated and let our recipes nourish you.
Essential Nutrients this Week: Protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc, Probiotics, B Vitamins, Vitamin K
Food of the Week: Organic Eggs
Eggs are one of the most convenient, versatile and nutritious superfoods; right up until the end of your pregnancy. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and choline as well as omega-3 fatty acids, folate, B-vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, antioxidants, iodine and selenium. Focus on eating plenty of protein during these final days of your pregnancy. Glycine, an amino acid found in protein, is essential for building energy stores.
Recipes of the Week
Eggs for Breakfast
This delicious mix of nourishing ingredients will keep you satiated until lunch. Eggs and avocado provide essential vitamins and minerals, nourishing fats and protein that will fuel your wellbeing and your baby’s growth and development.
Greens Frittata
This frittata is delicious any time of day, served hot or cold. It’s great to keep in the fridge ready to go. Filled with vegetables means this pregnancy recipe is highly nutritious, delivering many of the essential vitamins and minerals you and baby need. It’s also rich in protein from the eggs. Serve alongside a colourful salad or roasted vegetables, top with avocado, sprouts, nuts and seeds to really boost your nutrient intake.
Nourishing Bliss Balls
These easy to make bliss balls are nutrient-dense and a nourishing pregnancy snack. Make them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge or freezer. That way, when you need a snack, you’ve got a healthy one on hand. A nourishing snack that will support your health and the healthy growth and development of your baby, will keep your blood sugar levels stable, and support your energy.
Pregnancy Articles
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Foods To Help You Prepare For Labour — a nutrient-dense, whole and real foods diet can affect the ease and duration of your labour
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